Day 1 Instrumental by Marc Ottiker, with a VOX LYNX Guitar
Day 2 NOTEBOOK 42-16 poem by Leonard Cohen from "The Flame", Music by Marc Ottiker
Day 3 HIE OBE UF EM BÄRG, Trad. High On a Mountain, translated by Marc Ottiker
Day 4 GIACOMETTI, poem by Jonathan Bragdon, music by Marc Ottiker
Day 5 IN DEN TAG HINEIN Originalsong by Marc Ottiker.
Day 11 DOWNTOWN MILLIE , an original song by Marc Ottiker, one of the few english ones.
Day 14 WÄUTVERDRUSS adaption of an Austrian Folktune. A Blues of the alps.
Day 18 OMAR CHAYYAM UEBER DAS TOEPFERN, some of Omar Chayyams famous RUBAIYYAT formed to a song. Here he thinks about a potter and his clay. Music by Marc Ottiker
Day 28 D'WÄLT GHOERT DE RIICHE, an adaption of "Rich Man's World" by the fabulous Eilen Jewell. So the Swiss rich can understand it too.
Day 34 ICH LOoS ES GHEIMNIS SII, an adaption of Iris DeMent's song "Let the Mystery Be" in Zurich dialect. As a suplement a small part of a poem by Friedrich Schiller.